...all things hastened back to Unity
Arranger/Composer: J.B. Smith
Item Code: 07010
Publisher: C. Alan Publications
...all things hastened back to Unity uses Greek philosopher Xenophanes' quote as a basis for its structure and motivic development. From an eight measure chord progression and a single arpeggiation pattern come all melodic and rhythmic material for the work.
Program Notes
...all things hastened back to Unity uses Greek philosopher Xenophanes' quote as a basis for its structure and motivic development. From an eight measure chord progression and a single arpeggiation pattern come all melodic and rhythmic material for the work. As with most of my compositions, musical personalities are introduced and developed within an abstract social context. By using organic self-containment, all musical motion and expression maintain relevance to the global macrocosm. In a simple way, the musical language has fractal properties: the overall architecture is illuminated by the actions of each musical moment.
Grade Level: 4
Copyright: 2004
Number of Players: 13
Publisher: C. Alan Publications
Category: Percussion
Player 1(Glockenspiel, Crotales, 4.5 octave Marimba - shared w/player 5, vibraphone shared w/player 3)
Player 2 (Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Vibraphone - shared w/player 4)
Player 3 (Vibraphone, Glockenspiel)
Player 4 (Vibraphone)
Player 5 (Vibraphone, 4.5 octave Marimba, conga)
Player 6 (4.3 octave Marimba, Glockenspiel)
Player 7 (4.5 octave Marimba)
Player 8 (4.5 octave Marimba)
Player 9 (5 octave Marimba)
Player 10 (5 octave Marimba, Vibraphone shared with player 5)
Player 11 (4 concert toms, small bass drum or floor tom, piccolo wood block, suspended cymbal)
Player 12 (3 splash metals/high hat mcymbals mounted closed, 4 resonant metals/brake drums, muted gongs, bells plates, etc., suspended cymbal)
Player 13 (log drum, 2 wood blocks, conga, pedal bass drum, suspended cymbal)