Based on the Greek myth concerning the five ages of man, this composition for solo timpani is a musical portrayal of the spirit of the Five Ages. Extensive use...
This collection is a valuable addition to the material for developing timpanists. Advanced levels of musicality are stressed within the composition. Many of...
Five on 5 is a collection of five intermediate snare drum solos for the developing percussionist. Each solo features challenging rudimental and technical...
7 Original Solos for Developing 4-Mallet Marimba Technique
Josh Gottry's For Four is loaded with excellent solos and exercises for the advancing mallet player...
with 2 Play-Along CDs
Without a rhythm section and ensemble to play with, it is easy for a drummer to make errors without knowing it. The Jazz Drummer's...
Download Electronic Accompaniment FilesMarimba Re(mix) is a set of five intermediate four-mallet marimba solos, each made to strengthen various performance...
20 Original 2-Mallet Pieces for the Developing Percussionist
This book of twenty etudes is designed for a comprehensive keyboard percussion pedagogy program....
A Collection of Duets for Small Multiple Percussion Set-Ups with Shared Instruments
Mutual Interest was written in recognition of the need for quality...
Your Path to Playing with the Stars of Tomorrow
The Nashville Drummer is a collection of eight original tunes featuring one of today’s premiere drummers and...
Nathan's Number is a swing tune that emphasizes linear figures on the drumset. It originated from Tom Morgan's "Jazz Drummer's Reading Workbook." All of the...