State of the Art


State of the Art


Gaetano, Mario

Item Code:
C. Alan Publications

In the freely-composed State of the Art, numerous innovative techniques are employed on the part of both performers, such as bending pitches, striking the frame, blowing air in the resonators, and so on. The percussionist plays from four different stations: marimba, vibraphone/mark tree, metal instruments, and drums. Both performers have equal opportunities for cadenzas.

Program Notes

It is recommended by the composer for the clarinet to be amplified with maximum reverb. In this free composition, numerous innovative techniques are employed on the part of both performers, such as bending pitches, striking the frame, blowing air in the resonators, and so on. The percussionist plays from four different stations: marimba, vibraphone/mark tree, metal instruments, and drums. Both performers have equal opportunities for cadenzas. Two mature musicians required.

Grade Level: 4
Copyright: 2000
Number of Players: 2
Duration: 11:30

Listen to Recordings

Sample PDF

  • state.pdf
  • Instrumentation

    B-flat Clarinet
    Percussion (marimba (4.3 octaves), vibraphone, amglocken, 2 triangles, crotales, mark tree, bass drum, 2 toms, snare drum)